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Transform Your Life with Mindfulness

If you want to learn more about mindfulness, you’ve come to the right place! I’ve turned my life around using the techniques I’ve learned, and love sharing my experiences to help others through my courses, blog and social media channels.

what my students say

“I learnt something new, thank you. Great introduction for anyone looking into starting Mindfulness or those struggling with anxiety and looking for ways to help manage it, would recommend.”

a bit about me

I am based in the UK with my husband and son.

I have several chronic health conditions, which has ultimately led me in the direction of using mindfulness to try and manage these. I am also Autistic and have ADHD.

I have learnt over the years how much of an effect that stress has on the body, not just mentally but physically too. It has given me a special interest in how to calm the mind.

I discovered mindfulness and meditation and began to explore these to try and help get my mind and body back to a better place.

I have spent my life trying to learn how to cope with anxiety. It’s something I am working on constantly. It is definitely an ongoing process and a journey which will no doubt be full of ups and downs. Part of mindfulness is acknowledging that that is ok. Life will not always be easy, but in changing how we deal with things, we can learn to feel better about the challenges we face.

I honestly believe that learning to live life using mindfulness has saved me and I hope that by sharing my experiences I can help others.

What i offer

Here are some of the courses and services I offer.

Free E-Guide

Discover the power of mindfulness and learn how to make positive changes in your life with this free e-guide. This guide explains how to use proven strategies to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.

Mindfulness Starter Kit

This course is great for those who don't have a lot of time and want to get up and running with it quickly. It has 3 easy to follow stages with Journey to Calm's exclusive program.


  • Access to all of my courses

  • Monthly live group coaching calls

  • Access to call recordings

  • Monthly group challenges

  • Private Facebook group access

  • Access to all of my upcoming courses for as long as you remain a member.