well-being courses

Dive deep into the practice of mindfulness and other techniques with our expertly crafted courses. From mindfulness meditation to mindful living, each course is designed to cultivate presence, awareness, and resilience in your daily life.

well-being courses

Dive deep into the practice of mindfulness and other techniques with our expertly crafted courses. From mindfulness meditation to mindful living, each course is designed to cultivate presence, awareness, and resilience in your daily life.

mindset coaching

Transform limiting beliefs and unlock the power of a positive mindset. We will work with you to reframe negative thought patterns, build confidence, and cultivate a mindset of abundance and possibility.

£50 per hour

mindset coaching

Transform limiting beliefs and unlock the power of a positive mindset. We will work with you to reframe negative thought patterns, build confidence, and cultivate a mindset of abundance and possibility.

£50 per hour


Take control of your life and create the future you desire. Whether you're navigating a career transition, overcoming obstacles, or seeking clarity on your life's purpose, our life coaching sessions will empower you to set and achieve meaningful goals.

£50 per hour


Take control of your life and create the future you desire. Whether you're navigating a career transition, overcoming obstacles, or seeking clarity on your life's purpose, our life coaching sessions will empower you to set and achieve meaningful goals.

£50 per hour


Specialised in Working with ADHD Clients

Clear the clutter from your mind, home, and life. This decluttering coaching program will guide you through the process of simplifying your environment, organising your space, and creating a sanctuary for growth and renewal.

Although this isn't always easy, it's a process we can work through together to achieve your goals.

I charge £50 per hour for this service but if you fill in your details using the link below, I will be able to give you an estimate as to the amount of hours your project may need.


Specialised in Working with ADHD Clients

Clear the clutter from your mind, home, and life. This decluttering coaching program will guide you through the process of simplifying your environment, organising your space, and creating a sanctuary for growth and renewal.

Although this isn't always easy, it's a process we can work through together to achieve your goals.

I charge £50 per hour for this service but if you fill in your details using the link below, I will be able to give you an estimate as to the amount of hours your project may need.


A membership to help guide you through mindful techniques

Are you ready to work towards a happier, calmer, and more fulfilled life?

At the Journey to Calm Academy, we work on the belief that true happiness and fulfilment come from within. The Academy is designed to help you integrate mindful techniques into your life, leading you to happiness and a calm headspace.

The Academy is designed to help with the following:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Self-Worth

  • Self-Acceptance

  • Confidence

  • Goal Setting

    and much more...


A membership to help guide you through mindful techniques

Are you ready to work towards a happier, calmer, and more fulfilled life?

At the Journey to Calm Academy, we work on the belief that true happiness and fulfilment come from within. The Academy is designed to help you integrate mindful techniques into your life, leading you to happiness and a calm headspace.

The Academy is designed to help with the following:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Self-Worth

  • Self-Acceptance

  • Confidence

  • Goal Setting, and much more...

free resources

I offer a range of free resources to improve mental well-being. There are resources for both adults and children.


I offer a range of free resources to improve mental well-being. There are resources for both adults and children.

Why choose journey to calm?

Expertise: I bring years of experience and expertise to guide you on your journey.

Holistic Approach: I believe in addressing the mind, body, and spirit to create lasting transformation from the inside out.

Supportive Community: Join a community of individuals who share your passion for personal growth and support each other every step of the way.

Flexible Learning: Access the courses and coaching sessions online, so they can fit in seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

Why choose journey to calm?

Expertise: I bring years of experience and expertise to guide you on your journey.

Holistic Approach: I believe in addressing the mind, body, and spirit to create lasting transformation from the inside out.

Supportive Community: Join a community of individuals who share your passion for personal growth and support each other every step of the way.

Flexible Learning: Access the courses and coaching sessions online, so they can fit in seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

Ready to get started?

Transform your life today. Whether you're taking your first steps on the path to mindfulness or seeking to deepen your practice, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Embrace the journey, unlock your potential, and live your best life now.

Ready to get started?

Transform your life today. Whether you're taking your first steps on the path to mindfulness or seeking to deepen your practice, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Embrace the journey, unlock your potential, and live your best life now.